Hi there, I’m Felicity. It’s great to meet you!
Hi there! Felicity here, accountability coach and former Audience Business Masterclass student adviser for Firepole Marketing.
I’m so glad you’ve stumbled onto my about page, because this gives me a chance to tell you a little bit more about my background, and how Get Shit Done Accountability Coaching came to be.
Like you, I’ve had multiple “careers” in the last ten years. Some of the highlights are:
- Student adviser for Firepole Marketing’s Audience Business Masterclass & Course Builder’s Laboratory.
- Managing blog editor for Firepole Marketing.
- Online marketing coach as my own business.
- WordPress web designer as my own business.
In other words, I love working with people on their businesses.
I started my own business in 2010, and my clients were people who were just starting their own online businesses. I designed their websites, and then taught them how to get started with their online marketing plans.
I’ve augmented my knowledge of what it takes to run a business with more than a year’s worth of experience working at Firepole Marketing (currently a seven-figure business teaching others how to build online businesses). I’ve worked with Firepole’s students, and gotten to see how a more “advanced” online business runs.
I also understand how daunting starting an online business looks.
I’ve run my own business, and I’ve worked as part of an online business team. I’ve been on the marketing side (I’m a good writer, and an even better editor/idea-bouncer) and the techie/back systems side (I have sworn at WordPress many a time before a website or opt in page finally came together).
So I totally understand where and how you may get stuck building your own online business. That’s what makes me a great accountability coach for you. 😉
You’ll figure out where you want to go, and I’ll help you figure out how to get there.
It’s really that simple. I’ll take everything I know about how to build and grow an online business, and use it to help you break down the big projects on your to-do list in to smaller pieces that you can actually finish in a few hours.
You will commit to making the time to work on two or three of these smaller pieces each week. And pretty soon, you’ll be making steady, significant progress on your business!
All the details are on the Get Shit Done page. Let me know if you have any questions!
Other fun stuff you might want to know about me.

Me in full costume and make up at the 2014 chorus contest!
I was an amateur competitive ballroom dance for 2 years after college.
When I can, I sing women’s bass in a women’s barbershop chorus. (My home chorus placed 4th at Regionals in 2014!)
I’m a digital nomad, which means I live and work out of a small duffel and backpack as I travel and house-sit my way around Europe, Canada, and the US.
During my down time, I love to play computer games (Diablo III, the Civ series, and Elders Scrolls are my favorites).
I also really love to read historical fiction. If you have any suggestions for awesome historical novels, please send ’em my way!
I’m always looking to meet new people, so if you have questions, or want to send me your book recommendations, you can reach me at felicity [at] felicityfields [dot] com.
Talk to you soon!
~ Felicity