The Hidden Reason Why You’re Barely Inching Closer To Your Online Business Goals
You’re doing everything right: you’re enrolled in high-level training courses, you reach out to your network when you get stuck,
and your Evernote contains a clear list of “to dos.”
But despite all these things,
your online business is more dream than reality.
What are you missing?
Meet the Accountability Coach who helped 100’s of aspiring entrepreneurs stay on track.
The Missing Piece: Making Your To-Do List Do-Able
During the last 5 years, I’ve worked with hundreds of aspiring entrepreneurs as an online marketing coach and as an advisor for the Audience Business Masterclass, an online course that teaches new entrepreneurs how to build their own online business.
Over and over again, I saw these aspiring entrepreneurs make the same mistakes.
- wasting money on course after course without taking action;
- ploughing through ungodly amounts of work one week only to fall off the wagon the next;
- consuming tons of content and struggling with paralysis-by-analysis.
That’s when it hit me: the missing piece to building your online business isn’t that you don’t know what to do next.
The real problem is that the things on your to do list feel like they will take *too much* time and energy to complete!
This is where I come in. I’m great at helping you break down big projects, like creating your first landing page and email opt-in offer, into smaller pieces that can be done in a few hours.
And I’m guessing that, like my former clients, finding the smaller pieces that can be done in a week is only half your battle.
The other half is actually taking action and doing the work.
That’s what Get Shit Done Accountability Coaching is all about.
Every Friday, you and I will get on the phone or Skype for 30 minutes.
- Break down your big projects into 1-3 smaller to-do items you can finish the following week.
- Review the 1-3 smaller projects you finished during the current week.
- Check in on your big project goals, so you know how close you are to completing them!
The following Tuesday, I’ll send you a quick “hi, how’s it going?” email to check in and see how you’re doing with your to-do items for the week.
Sound like exactly what you need? Let’s give it a try for 2 weeks.
During your 2 week trial, we’ll have:
- an initial 30-minute “Get to Know You” call.
- two Friday sessions of 30 minutes each.
- two Tuesday “hi, how’s it going?” email check ins.
At the end of the second Friday session, we can decide whether we’d like to continue working together.
If we do continue working together, the monthly cost of keeping yourself on track will be up to you. The minimum is $100/month, but you’ll be able to determine how much this accountability coaching is worth to you.
Plus, I’ll set aside 20% of your monthly fee into an escrow account for you. When you hit a big milestone, like finishing your website or getting your 1,000th subscriber, you’ll receive all the money that’s accumulated in your escrow account.
Use the escrow funds to treat yourself to a spa day, a special dinner with your significant other, or anything else you can think of. You’ve worked hard to reach that milestone – you should be rewarded!
If this sounds like exactly what you’ve been looking for, click the button below to get started with your 2-week trial.
You’ll be taken to a check out page to make your $50 payment, and then to my online calendar, where you can schedule your initial “Get to Know You” call.
I look forward to helping you make real, consistent progress in your online business soon!