If you’re like most entrepreneurs, you know that you should have a blog. But you don’t really know what to write about each week, and you definitely don’t have the time.
Here’s the good news: starting your blog is actually much easier than you might think. All you really need is a steady source of topics, and a dedicated day of the week to publish your post.
What to Say, and How Often to Say It
Figuring out what to write, and how often you need to publish, is the hardest part of starting your blog.
To get you started, check out this training video from my Marketing That Rocks program. It covers everything you need to know about generating blog post ideas, and setting a publication schedule.
I’ve even included the Action Sheet and Resource PDFs below the video!
Action Step – Brainstorm Blog Post Ideas
Resource – Top 4 Blogs About Blogging to Learn From
What’s Stopping You From Rocking Your Blog?
Your blog has the potential to rock your online marketing universe by bringing new people into your business, developing a relationship with them, and ultimately turning them into clients and supporters.
The key to blogging success, of course, is knowing how to use it. This video is only the first step on that path.
Want More Great Training Videos?
For more how-to video trainings just like this, as well as strategy sessions, weekly office hours, and more, check out my Marketing That Rocks program.
Early bird registration closes on November 28th. I hope to see you inside as you rock your online marketing!
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Felicity I love the advice to ask your readers what questions they have and then turn them into blog posts. I find that a lot of people just write whatever comes to mind in the beginning and then their blogs feel a little all over the map, so to speak. Focusing on what your audience needs and wants is huge. Thanks for this!
Heather Thorkelson recently posted..How to be more awesome on the internet – an Interview with Sarah Von Bargen
Thanks Felicity. I’m going to sit down and brainstorm a whole year of blog ideas like you suggested. Then when I need to write my post I can just pull from the list. This will help with the blockage of “what do I write about now.” Really valuable feedback.
Pam Pearson recently posted..Work Less, Make More!
I LOVE the idea of going back over the questions my clients have asked me and writing blog posts from those. I still write from spontaneous inspiration, which I will continue to do because I like to write about ‘what is in the air’. Yet, this method falls short when there isn’t something immediately present. Thank you Felicity!
Kathleen Prophet recently posted..Remembering the Witches & Embodying Your Sacred Powers Series – Emelie Archer
Great video Felicity! I was nodding my head through the entire thing, and I got some really awesome tips to help me make this more turnkey for myself. And thank you for the downloadables, they are priceless!
Mindy Crary | Creative Money recently posted..When You’re Trying To Create Change In Your Life, Remember These 5 Things
Oh yeah. One of the best things I’ve done is write blog posts in response to things clients have asked me. Or in response to things that come up during sessions. Or if there’s a concept or how-to that I need to explain to them, I’ll write it on my blog and then it’s a win-win-win for everyone. Great tips!
Sarah Yost recently posted..Turn criticism to gold. How to hold your head up on the internet
This is AWESOME! I have been having major writers block lately with my blog and these are such great tips to get any blogger back on track! I love the action sheet. I am going to do it this weekend and plan out the rest of my year of blogging!
Megan Flatt recently posted..Living Your Authentic Life
GREAT video! LOVE the tips on coming up with blog ideas and will be definitely bringing this into my process…thanks so much. I totally agree on the frequency part as well…less than 2x per month is not even worth the effort! CONSISTENCY is key!
Thanks again for sharing and I look forward to this new way of planning and writing future posts!
xo, TIna
Tina Pruitt recently posted..Change Your Experience With Love and Healing